
30. April 2021

Advanced Prediction in Polar regions and beyond: Four Years of the APPLICATE Project

A team of experts in weather and climate prediction from 15 research institutes, operational centres and universities in eight European countries contributed to the success of […]
14. April 2021


This year’s virtual conference of the European Geoscience Union (EGU) will take place during 19 – 30 April 2021. After having evaluated the last online EGU meeting […]
7. April 2021

Central Arctic weather forecasting: Confronting the ECMWF IFS with observations from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

By Mayleen Schlund (AWI) and Michael Tjernström (Stockholm University) Weather and environmental forecasts are more important than ever since the Arctic is warming at twice the […]
26. March 2021

Measuring the Impact of a New Snow Model Using Surface Energy Budget Process Relationships

By Daniel Butkaitis (AWI), Jonny Day (ECMWF), Mayleen Schlund (AWI) In the polar regions predictions of near-surface (2m) air temperature and other variables within the atmospheric […]
15. March 2021


In just a few days the 2021 edition of the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) will officially start, gathering scientists, early career researchers, stakeholders and decision […]
22. February 2021

Drivers of the Northern Hemisphere Eddy-Driven Jet Change in Comparison between CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models

by Daniel Butkaitis (AWI) The projection of the northern hemisphere eddy-driven jet is characterized by large uncertainties. Multimodel projections from the previous generation climate models of […]
25. January 2021

Insights into Polar Observing Systems Using Numerical Models

by Laura Hüßner – article originally written for In the new post on the Science Blog of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Irina […]
18. January 2021

Arctic Frontiers 2021 – Building Bridges

On 1-4 February 2021 the annual conference „Arctic Frontiers” will take place in a new online format. To guarantee the chance to scientists, decision-makers, indigenous people […]
8. January 2021

#vEGU21: Engage • Discover • Inspire

After the success of the online format of the conference last year, the EGU is coming back in 2021 in its virtual format on 19–30 April […]
11. December 2020

Tell it with a Comic – Live-Drawing and Visual Storytelling at AAAS

Science communication has become a fundamental element in the effort to disseminate scientific results and deliver accurate and understandable facts. A group of artists teamed up […]
26. November 2020

First Integrated European Polar Research Programme Published

EU-PolarNet has recently concluded their work on an integrated European Polar Research Programme, which guides the future research to respond to current and prospective needs and […]
11. November 2020

AWI Climate Model Contributes to CMIP6

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) is organizing the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) since 1995. The overarching goal of this project is to make different […]
11. November 2020

New Polar Prediction Matters Contribution – Is Alaska Prepared for Extreme Wildfires?

In the new contribution to Polar Prediction Matters – the dialogue platform for users and providers of polar weather and sea-ice forecasts – researchers working within […]
4. November 2020

Impact of Polar Observing Systems on Forecast Accuracy – Special Collection of the RMetS’ Quarterly Journal

The Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) calls for manuscripts to contribute to a special collection in their Quarterly Journal to gather various studies on the impact of […]
11. October 2020

YOPP-APPLICATE Virtual Session on Satellite Observations for High-Latitude Numerical Weather Prediction

Addressing the major future challenges in polar research will require integrated approaches and significant collaborative efforts between scientists. To support these requirements for the science community, […]
11. September 2020

Arctic Change 2020 – Call for Abstracts

From 7 to 10 December 2020, the Arctic Change Conference 2020 will take place. While usually held as a face-to-face meeting around Canada, this year’s ArcticNet […]
11. September 2020

Update – Arctic Frontiers goes Online

The 2021 edition of the Arctic Frontiers Science Conference will be organised in a new format. Taking into account concerns related to the spread of COVID-19, […]
11. September 2020

The Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 2020

Every year around mid-September, the sea-ice extent in the Arctic shrinks down to its annual minimum. This year, after an entire month of abnormally high melting […]
27. July 2020

New Contribution to Polar Prediction Matters – Ice and Weather Forecast Software Onboard Merchant Vessels

A new contribution to Polar Prediction Matters – the Helmholtz dialogue platform for users and providers of forecast in the polar regions – is now published […]
11. June 2020

New Podcast Episode – Gunilla Svensson on The IcePod

A new bonus episode of the IcePod, the podcast for the Year of Polar Prediction, is now on air. In this episode, we talk with the […]
11. June 2020

The IcePod with PPP Captain Thomas Jung

In the second bonus episode of the IcePod on the Targeted Observing Periods, we speak with Thomas Jung, captain and structured mind behind YOPP and PPP. […]
11. May 2020

New Sea Ice and Ocean Variables in S2S Forecast Database

In Phase II of the Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Project, nine new ocean and sea-ice variables have been introduced to its database. Most of the S2S forecast […]
11. May 2020

Sharing Geoscience Online – Joint YOPP-APPLICATE Session at EGU2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a joint YOPP-APPLICATE live text chat took place on 8 May 2020, as part of this year’s European Geosciences Union […]
11. May 2020

Risks and Reward – New Polar Prediction Matters Contribution on Greenland Ice Sheet Melting

In her new contribution to Polar Prediction Matters, Jennifer Ross writes: “Icebergs have been of public interest since the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912, […]
17. April 2020

The IcePod – the Podcast about Polar Science and the People

The IcePod is a series of podcasts about polar science and the people managed and produced by Kirstin Werner and Sara Pasqualetto from the International Coordination Office of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP). The […]
15. April 2020

First Arctic Targeted Observing Period this Week

We invite the polar prediction community to provide forecasts of surface temperature that will reach the Polarstern location on Sunday, 19 April, 12 UTC. Please submit your forecast on twitter @polarprediction.
11. April 2020

The IcePod – the Podcast about Polar Science and the People

The IcePod is a series of podcasts about polar science and the people managed and produced by Kirstin Werner and Sara Pasqualetto from the International Coordination Office […]
31. March 2020

EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online

EGU General Assembly 2020, 3-8 May 2020; Vienna, Austria has been cancelled and is replaced with EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online on 3-8 May. The EGU has […]
31. March 2020

EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online

EGU General Assembly 2020, 3-8 May 2020; Vienna, Austria has been cancelled and is replaced with EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online on 3-8 May. The EGU has […]
11. March 2020

ASSW2020 Moves to Online Only

An announcement regarding the Arctic Science Summit Week 2020:  Dear Colleague, The ASSW2020 organizers, which include the Arctic Observing Summit (AOS) 2020 leadership, are extremely grateful for […]
11. March 2020

Nansen Center looking for young researcher

The Nansen Center is looking for a young researcher or postdoc to fill an open position in sea ice-atmosphere interaction with the centre’s sea-ice modelling group. […]
2. March 2020

A novel approach to quantifying two-way influences between the Arctic and mid-latitudes in climate simulations

Field measurements as well as climate simulations depict a rise of Arctic surface temperature double of the Northern hemisphere mean temperature increase over the last 30 […]
27. February 2020

Inspiring early career researchers about the frontiers of Arctic climate research

Throughout fall 2019, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), the APPLICATE (Advanced Prediction in Polar regions and beyond: modelling, observing system design and LInkages associated with […]
26. February 2020

Postdoctoral and PhD positions at Stockholm University

Department of Meteorology at Stockholm University seeks qualified candidates for three positions: Postdoctoral Fellow in Arctic climate processes – Deadline for application March 15 Postdoctoral Fellow in […]
24. February 2020

EO for polar science workshop – Call for Abstracts

European Commission (EC) and European Space Agengsy (ESA) are working together to define a common scientific agenda identifying the set of grand science challenges in Polar […]
21. February 2020

Postdoctoral Position Available / Research Fellow in Physical Oceanography

The department of Arctic Geophysics at University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) is seeking candidates for a full time, two-year position as a postdoctoral research fellow in […]
17. January 2020

APPLICATE represented at AGU 2019

The AGU Fall Meeting 2019, the largest international Earth and space science meeting in the world, took place in San Francisco from 9 to 13 December […]
2. December 2019

Meet an APPLICATE scientist: Ed Blockley

Ed Blockley leads the Polar Climate Group within the Met Office Hadley Centre which focuses on understanding climate change in polar regions and development of the […]
28. October 2019

Model intercomparison over European Arctic shows accurate numerical weather prediction remains challenging

Despite important progress in prediction skills over the last decade, current Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems still fail to meet user requirements with larger forecast errors […]