AWI Climate Model Contributes to CMIP6
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Tell it with a Comic – Live-Drawing and Visual Storytelling at AAAS
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EU-PolarNet has recently concluded their work on an integrated European Polar Research Programme, which guides the future research to respond to current and prospective needs and expectations of European societies regarding the changing polar regions. Two new white papers have been released in accordance to the new programme.
After five years of thrilling collaborative work, the new European Polar Research Programme (EPRP) has been published now by EU-PolarNet. The new programme will contribute to a better understanding of societal and environmental vulnerabilities in both polar regions. Six overarching research issues have been identified, that will need close collaboration with local stakeholder groups. Answering the research questions posed in the EPRP will further improve our knowledge on the interactions between natural and social sciences. The EPRP also emphasizes the need for a polar observing campaign, which could “build upon and extend the Year of Polar Prediction effort.”
by Daniel Butkaitis