General Assembly 2018
17. January 2018
APPLICATE represented at AGU 2019
17. January 2020
The APPLICATE General Assembly 2019 was held at ECMWF in Reading (UK) from 28-30 January. The meeting featured presentations on the project’s scientific progress, invited talks and breakout sessions. There was also plenty of opportunity for networking and discussion.
The APPLICATE General Assembly 2019 was followed on by an Early Career Event at ECMWF from 30 January to 1 February. All early career scientists were encouraged to participate in the Early Career Event which included interactive lectures by international scientists and the opportunity to present and discuss their research as well as lots of time for networking. We invited the more experienced scientists to remain after the end of the General Assembly for the first afternoon of the Early Career Event (30 Jan 2019) when students presented their research.
See also ECMWF webpage