Kick off meeting (2017)
10. February 2017
General Assembly 2019
30. January 2019
The project General Assembly 2018 was held on the 15-17 January 2018 in Barcelona, organised by AWI and BSC. The meeting included reports on progress by WP leaders, presentations from companion projects in the EU-Arctic Cluster, a panel discussion with external stakeholders, keynote lectures by Scientific Advisory Board members Inger Hanssen-Bauer (Met Norway) and Jean-Noel Thepaut (ECMWF) and presentations by early career scientists on their latest research results. A side meeting with the stakeholders in the User Group was also held. Parallel team meetings were hold by the WP leaders to update on progress and discuss pending issues. Participants had the opportunity to continue the discussion and socialise during the ice-breaker reception and the meeting dinner.