Postdoctoral Position Available / Research Fellow in Physical Oceanography
21. February 2020
Postdoctoral and PhD positions at Stockholm University
26. February 2020
European Commission (EC) and European Space Agengsy (ESA) are working together to define a common scientific agenda identifying the set of grand science challenges in Polar research that may drive joint EC-ESA scientific activities in the coming few years.
A workshop for Earth Observation for polar science will be held 17-19 June, 2020 in the Tivoli Congress Center in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop aims at assessing the latest advancement in the use of Earth observation (EO) technology for Polar science, exploring the main challenges and opportunities for the coming decade and consulting with the community to contribute to define a common scientific agenda for the future.
The meeting is open to EO scientists, polar researchers and students, modellers, Earth system and climate scientists, industry, operational agencies, policy makers, representatives of local communities and other stakeholders interested in sharing their knowledge and experience and contributing to drive the European polar scientific agenda.
The workshop´s objectives are:
- Reviewing the progress and latest results in polar science with major focus on EO- advances in the domain of polar research and applications
- Identifying the major Polar scientific challenges, observation gaps and research needs for the coming years
- Identifying the coming opportunities offered by the increasing international EO capacity from space in synergies with in-situ observations, citizen science, advance modelling, new technologies and interdisciplinary research
- Exploring effective mechanisms to promote networking and collaborative research in Polar sciences, bringing together different expertise, data and resources in a synergistic manner ensuring that the final result may be bigger than the sum of the parts
- Advancing towards the definition of major scientific priorities in polar research that may drive EC and ESA collaborative activities in the coming years
- Exploring the need for major multi-year coordinated inter-disciplinary experiments (involving advances in EO satellite observations, large in-situ data collection campaigns, advances in modelling
Call for Abstracts and for Discussion Sessions
Invitation to submit an abstract for the morning plenary sessions and/or a proposal for the science challenges afternoon breakout discussion sessions can be found here.
The morning sessions of the first two days will consist of state-of-the-art scientific talks within these categories:
- Advances in EO polar geophysical
- Advances in Polar sciences, process understanding, predictions and modelling
- Integrating citizen observations and local knowledge in science
- Observation system and data management
- Novel technologies
The objective of the workshop is to define a scientific agenda identifying a set of major scientific challenges to be faced in the coming years that may drive future ESA and DG-RTD coordinated investments in Polar research. To this end, the community is invited to propose discussion sessions focused on major Polar science challenges to define a number of major community initiatives and experiments that will require an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to science involving advances in Earth Observation satellite data, in-situ observations, modelling, interdisciplinary research and the use of novel technologies in a coordinated manner.
Source: European Space Agency (ESA)