- Climate Science 2 Policy – Polar Climate Change and Remote Impacts
cs2p-s3-b-1-jung.pdf - Presentations by H2020 projects APPLICATE, Blue-Action, Nunataryuk and SO-CHIC at the EASME workshop "Climate Science 2 Policy" in November 2020
- Morten Køltzow, Representiveness & ObsUncertainty
representivenessobsuncertainty.pdf - Presentations from “November 2020 around-the-clock International Verification Methods Workshop Online (2020-IVMW-O)
processespolarverticalprofiles.pdf - Applicate 2020
poster-applicate_fertig.pdf - Polar Amplification – Doug Smith
- Satellite Observations for High-latitude NWP – Irina Sandu, François Massonnet
- Highlights from the EU Polar Cluster – Thomas Jung
- Selected Talks - Irina Sandu
applicate_metrics_final.pdf - Introductory slides widescreen
applicate_intro_widescreen_2019.pdf - Introductory slides regular size
applicate_intro_regular_2019.pdf - Poster landscape 2019
applicate_poster_landscape_a0_dec2019.pdf - Applicate Brochure
applicate_brochure.pdf - Logo complete (jpg)
applicate_logo_complete_cmyk_300dpi-scaled.jpg - Logo complete (eps)
- Logo complete white (tif)
applicate_logo_complete_white_300dpi-1.tif - Logo short white(tif)